• Milan - The crucifixion in the stained glass in the church Basilica di Santo Stefano Maggiore by Costante Panigati (1898).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • Perugia - The painting of Deposition in the church Cattedrale di San Lorenzo (St. Lawrece cathedral) by Federico Barocci (1567 - 1569).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: The painting of Madonna as Immaculate in the Cathedral Santa Maria Assunta by Bernardino Ciceri ( 1650 – 1728).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The carved polychrome sculptural group - Sacrifice of Isaac - in the church Chiesa di San Giovannino by unknown artist from 18. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The carved polychrome sculptural group - Blessing of Noah After the Flood - in the church Chiesa di San Giovannino by unknown artist from 18. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The fresco of Nativity of Virgin Mary in the church Santuario di Nostra Signora Porta Paradisi by unknown artist (1705).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • Perugia - The painting of Jesus entry in Jerusalem (Palm Sundy) in church Basilica di San Pietro by Antonio Vassillachi - l'Aliense (1591 - 1611).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • PADUA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2014: Paint of Deposition of the cross scene in the church Chiesa di San Gaetano and the chapel of the Crucifixion by unknown painter from 17th century
    ab 34.81 €
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  • Bern - The nave of new gothic church Peter und Paul kirche from 19. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • SEBECHLEBY, SLOVAKIA - OCTOBER 8, 2022: The st. Joachim, little Virgin Mary and st. Ann in parisch church of St. Michael by Anton Schmidt (1713 - 1773).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • VICENZA, ITALY - NOVEMBER 5, 2023: The nave of church Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Servi
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The nave of the church Chiesa di Santo Stefano
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The carved polychrome sculptural group - Moses made a bronze snake in the desert - in the church Chiesa di San Giovannino by unknown artist from 18. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The ceiling frescoes (life of Virgin Mary) in the Cathedral (Imaculate chapell) by Giorgio Boasso (1930)
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The nave of baroque church Chiesa di San Giovannino.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The carved polychrome statue of Madonna in the church Chiesa di San Luca from beginn of 16. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The cupola of cathedral - La cattedrale dei Santi Pietro with the frescoes of four cardinal virtues.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The carved polychrome statue of Madonna in the church Chiesa di San Luca from beginn of 16. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The presbytery in the church Chiesa di San Luca
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The ceiling and cupola in the church Chiesa di Santo Stefano
    ab 34.81 €
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  • PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The tomb of St Augustine with the reliquary in church Basilica di San Pietro in Ciel d Oro Giovanni di Balduccio
    ab 34.81 €
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  • SPELLO, ITALY - MAY 18, 2024: The detail of modern stained glass with St. Lawrence in his glory in the church Collegiata di San Lorenzo from 20. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 4, 2024: The fresco of Twelve old Jesus in the Temple in the church Chiesa di San Giorgio al Palazzo by Virginio Monti (1891).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 7, 2024: The painting of Three Magi in church Chiesa di San Giorgio al Palazzo by unknown artist of 17. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • VALENCIA, SPAIN - FEBRUAR 17, 2022: The painting of Adoration of shepherds in the church San Salvador y Santa Monica from 20. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • BERN, SWITZERLAND - JUNY 27, 2022: The fresco of Baptism of Jesus in the church Dreifaltigkeitskirche by August Müller (1923).
    ab 34.81 €
    Ähnliche Einstellen
  • MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 6, 2024: The frosco Jesus the Pantokrator and Teacher among the angels in the church Basilica di Santa Eufemia by Luigi Cavenaghi from end of 19. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • BARI, ITALY - MARCH 5, 2022: The icon of Holy Family in the church Chiesa di Santa Croce from 20. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • NAPLES, ITALY - APRIL 24, 2023: The mosaic of Baptism of Christ in church Chiesa di San Vitale Martire from 20. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: The painting of St. Matthew the Evangelist in the church Chiesa di San Francesco by Vincenzo Campi (1588).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: The detail of painting of Holy Family in Bethehem and the saints in the Cathedral by Guglielmo Caccia Moncalvo (1568 – 1625).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 6, 2024: The painting of Pentecost in the church Basilica di Santa Eufemia by Simone Peterzano (1535 – 1599).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • VICENZA, ITALY - NOVEMBER 7, 2023: The fresco of Immaculate Conception on the ceiling of church Chiesa di Santa Lucia by Rocco Pittaco (1862).
    ab 34.81 €
    Ähnliche Einstellen
  • PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: The painting of Miralce The Feeding the multitude in the church Basilica di San Michaele Maggiore by unknown artis of 20. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
    Ähnliche Einstellen
  • PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: The painting of Miralce The Feeding the multitude in the church Basilica di San Michaele Maggiore by unknown artis of 20. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
    Ähnliche Einstellen
  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The fresco of Crucificted Jesus the King in the church Santuario di Nostra Signora Porta Paradisi by Anacleto Laretto (1927).
    ab 34.81 €
    Ähnliche Einstellen
  • MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 8, 2024: The painting of Christ and Rich Young Ruler in the church Chiesa di Santi Quattro Evangelisti by Ahtos Renzo Brioschi as the copy of by Heinrich Hofmann (1889).
    ab 34.81 €
    Ähnliche Einstellen
  • ZURICH, SWITZERLAND - JULY 1, 2022: The fresco of Mirracle at Cana in the church Pfarrkirche Liebfrauen by Fritz Kunz (1906).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRFIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11, 2024: The nave of church Chiesa di San Alessandro
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The fresco of Presentation of Virgin Mary in the Temple in church Santuario di Nostra Signora Porta Paradisi by unknown artist (1705).
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11, 2024: The fresco of king David in the Cathedral by Francesco Fabbrica, Pietro A. Pozzi from 18. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11, 2024: The fresco of prophet Joel in the Cathedral by Francesco Fabbrica, Pietro A. Pozzi from 18. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11, 2024: The fresco of prophet Amos in the Cathedral by Francesco Fabbrica, Pietro A. Pozzi from 18. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11, 2024: The fresco of prophet Isaiah in the Cathedral by Francesco Fabbrica, Pietro A. Pozzi from 18. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11, 2024: The fresco of prophet Hezekiah in the Cathedral by Francesco Fabbrica, Pietro A. Pozzi from 18. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
    Ähnliche Einstellen
  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11, 2024: The fresco of St. Mark the Evangelist in the Cathedral by Francesco Fabbrica, Pietro A. Pozzi from 18. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
    Ähnliche Einstellen
  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11, 2024: The fresco of St. Matthew the Evangelist in the Cathedral by Francesco Fabbrica, Pietro A. Pozzi from 18. cent.
    ab 34.81 €
    Ähnliche Einstellen
  • ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The painting of Madonna of Rosary in the church Collegiata di San Secondo by Caterina Ferrero (1682)
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The nave of church Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine
    ab 34.81 €
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  • ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The nave of church Chiesa di San Rocco.
    ab 34.81 €
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