ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The carved polychrome sculptural group - Sacrifice of Isaac - in the church Chiesa di San Giovannino by unknown artist from 18. cent.
ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The carved polychrome sculptural group - Blessing of Noah After the Flood - in the church Chiesa di San Giovannino by unknown artist from 18. cent.
ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The fresco of Nativity of Virgin Mary in the church Santuario di Nostra Signora Porta Paradisi by unknown artist (1705).
PADUA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2014: Paint of Deposition of the cross scene in the church Chiesa di San Gaetano and the chapel of the Crucifixion by unknown painter from 17th century
SEBECHLEBY, SLOVAKIA - OCTOBER 8, 2022: The st. Joachim, little Virgin Mary and st. Ann in parisch church of St. Michael by Anton Schmidt (1713 - 1773).
ALESSANDRIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024: The carved polychrome sculptural group - Moses made a bronze snake in the desert - in the church Chiesa di San Giovannino by unknown artist from 18. cent.
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 6, 2024: The frosco Jesus the Pantokrator and Teacher among the angels in the church Basilica di Santa Eufemia by Luigi Cavenaghi from end of 19. cent.
PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: The detail of painting of Holy Family in Bethehem and the saints in the Cathedral by Guglielmo Caccia Moncalvo (1568 – 1625).
PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: The painting of Miralce The Feeding the multitude in the church Basilica di San Michaele Maggiore by unknown artis of 20. cent.
PAVIA, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: The painting of Miralce The Feeding the multitude in the church Basilica di San Michaele Maggiore by unknown artis of 20. cent.
ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The fresco of Crucificted Jesus the King in the church Santuario di Nostra Signora Porta Paradisi by Anacleto Laretto (1927).
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 8, 2024: The painting of Christ and Rich Young Ruler in the church Chiesa di Santi Quattro Evangelisti by Ahtos Renzo Brioschi as the copy of by Heinrich Hofmann (1889).
ASTI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The fresco of Presentation of Virgin Mary in the Temple in church Santuario di Nostra Signora Porta Paradisi by unknown artist (1705).